SEO is a very important part of any website. It helps search engines understand what your website is about and how to index it.

Seo Component

Veloz kit provides reusable Seo component found in src/components/Seo.(tsx / tsx) which can be used to add meta tags to your website.


Simply add your site configurations details at src/data/site.(ts).

// your site config data
const SITE_CONFIG = {
name: "Veloz",
headline: "Veloz - Your SaaS Launchpad",
description: "Ship faster with veloz.",
keywords: "boilerplate, starter kit, saucecode",

Then import Seo component into whatever page you want to add meta tags to.


export default function Homepage() {
return (
<Seo title="Home page" description="Home page description" />

You can as well modify the seo metatags in src/components/Seo.(tsx / tsx) to suit your needs.

© Veloz 2024