
Veloz support sending of mails using Resend due to it simplicity. If you dont have a resend account , create one here (opens in a new tab).


Setup 🛠

Head over to your resend dashboard and create a new API Key as seen in the image below.


Once that completed, navigate to the Domain section and add a new domain. If you dont have one, you could purchase one from Namecheap (opens in a new tab) or Godaddy (opens in a new tab).



Make sure it verified before proceeding further.

Now, Copy the API Key alongside your Domain Name and head over to your project .env file and update the following variable.


# resend email config
# mail
MAIL_FROM="Veloz <[email protected]>"

Usage 🚀

Veloz provide a reusable promise base function based on the preferred mail provider. It differ based on the language of choice.


Next.js (app router)

Simply headover to src/app/api/config/email/resend.(ts) a function called resendSendMail() has been provided for you. It accept the following parameters.

  • to - The recipient email address or addresses.
  • subject - The subject of the mail.
  • htmlData - The html content of the mail.

The htmlData variable holds the HTML content of the email. Veloz provides a base email template located in src/email-template. Find it in the preview folder for designing your HTML mail template. Once completed, copy it and create a function in src/email-template/. For mail templates with dynamic data, create a reusable function similar to the one in src/email-template/welcome-template.(ts/js).


If the current approach doesn't suit your comfort level, feel free to modify this function according to your preferred approach.

Using the resendSendMail() function, you can send mail to a single or multiple recipients.


import resendSendMail from "../config/email/resend";
import waitlistWelcome from "@/email-template/waitlist-welcome";
const email = "[email protected]";
const emailTemp = waitlistWelcome(email, "Veloz");
await resendSendMail(email, "🥳 Waitlist", emailTemp);


const waitlistWelcome = (email: string, appName = "Veloz") => {
return `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Waitlist - Welcome</title>
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
.email-content {
max-width: 600px;
margin: 0 auto;
<div class="email-content">
<p style="font-size: 16px">Hi ${email},</p>
<p style="font-size: 16px">
Thank you for joining our waitlist. We will notify you when we are ready
to launch.
<p style="font-size: 16px">Regards,</p>
<p style="font-size: 16px">The ${appName} Team</p>
export default waitlistWelcome;

© Veloz 2024