Pricing Page

Pricing page

Veloz kit provides a reusable pricing page component which can be imported into whatever page you want it to be used on.


This component can be found src/components/landing/pricing/index.tsx.


import { Pricing } from "@/components/landing";
export default function Page() {
return <Pricing />;

You should get similar result below.



The pricing plan component simply uses data coming from src/data/pricing/plan.ts. Learn more about configuring your pricing plans.

As for the features listed on each pricing plan cards, they are also coming from src/data/pricing/features.ts file.


Notice the feature has an id, this property must match what is in the plan data, else it will not be displayed. Also the isAvailable property is used to determine if the feature is available for that plan or not.


const pricingPlanFeatures = [
id: "lite_84507",
features: [
title: "1 User",
isAvailable: true,
title: "3 Projects",
isAvailable: true,
title: "Email Support",
isAvailable: false,
title: "Lifetime Updates",
isAvailable: false,

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