Private page

Private Pages

Veloz provides some set of utilities function mean't to protect routes either server or client from getting access. This utilities function / components can be found in src/lib/auth-helpers folder.

Client 🖥


withAuth is a higher order component that can be used to protect client side routes from getting access. It takes a component as an argument and returns a new and modified component that can be used to protect routes.

When a user isn't authenticated, the component will redirect the user to the login page. If the user is authenticated, the component will render the passed in component.


Only use this HOC (High Order Component) to protect pages / components that are mean't to be accessed by authenticated users only.


import { FullPageLoader } from "@/components/Loader";
import { DataContext } from "@/context/DataContext";
import useAuthUser from "@/hooks/useAuthUser";
import { useSession } from "next-auth/react";
import React, { useCallback, useContext, useEffect } from "react";
export default function withAuth<P extends { children: React.ReactNode }>(
Component: React.ComponentType<P>
) {
const ComponentWithAuth = (props: P) => {...};
return ComponentWithAuth;


As the name implies withoutAuth the opposite of withAuth. It is used to protect client side routes from getting access. It takes a component as an argument and returns a new and modified component that can be used to protect routes.

When a user is authenticated, the component will redirect the user to the dashboard page. If the user isn't authenticated, the component will render the passed in component.


Only use this HOC (High Order Component) to protect pages / components that are mean't to be accessed by unauthenticated users only. for eg authentication route / page


import { FullPageLoader } from "@/components/Loader";
import { useSession } from "next-auth/react";
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
export function withoutAuth<P extends { children: React.ReactNode }>(
Component: React.ComponentType<P>
) {
const ComponentWithAuth = (props: P) => {...};
return ComponentWithAuth;

Use Case

Assuming we have a page called dashboard.tsx that should only be accessible by authenticated users only. We can use withAuth to protect the page from getting access by unauthenticated users. We can also use withoutAuth to protect a page that should only be accessible by unauthenticated users only.


import { withAuth } from "@/lib/auth-helpers";
function Dashboard() {
return (
<h1>Dashboard Page</h1>
export default withAuth(Dashboard);

Server ☁️

Protecting API routes / endpoints is quite handled differently from that of client side pages / routes. Endpoints are protected using isAuthenticated middleware HOF (High Order Function) and can be found in /src/app/api/middlewares/auth.(ts) file.



export function isAuthenticated(fn: Function) {
return async (req: NextApiRequest) => {
const session = await getServerSession(nextAuthOptions);
if (!session) {
throw new HttpException(RESPONSE_CODE.UNAUTHORIZED, "Unauthorized", 401);
let user = null;
// oauth provider like github sometimes dont include email
if ( {
user = await prisma.users.findFirst({
where: { email: session.user?.email as string },
} else {
user = await prisma.users.findFirst({
where: { uId: session.user?.id as string },
if (!user) {
throw new HttpException(
`Unauthorized, Invalid Token`,
(req as any)["user"] = { id: user.uId };
return await fn(req);

Use Case

Simply wrap your API route handler with isAuthenticated() middleware to protect it from getting access by unauthenticated users.


import { NextRequest } from "next/server";
import { isAuthenticated } from "../middlewares/auth";
import CatchError from "../utils/_error";
import UserController from "../controllers/user.controller";
const userController = new UserController();
export const GET = CatchError(
isAuthenticated(async (req: NextRequest) => await userController.getUser(req))

Each time a request is made to the server for that specific endpoint and the user making the requests isn't authenticated, the server simply throw an error with status code 401 and message Unauthorized.

More details about Error Handling, please checkout this 👉 section.

© Veloz 2024